Har Ki Dun

Today was a nice, slow rest day. All I did was sit around in a chair, bundled up in warm clothing, reading and looking at the mountains. My jaw had dropped when I first emerged from the hut and looked out at the towering mountains all around us. It was clear now and I finally saw them in all their glory. The tallest peak was almost at 20,000 feet and called Swargarohini. Legend has it that this was where the Pandavas climbed up to ascend into heaven at the ends of their lives. There was a glacier off in the distance. It was called Jaundhar Glacier.

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On the other side of the hut, there were other tall, craggy peaks and a river flowing through the valley.

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This hut did not have running water either. Someone had rigged up an ingenious system to pipe water from the river below, which they used to fill up their buckets. We filtered all of our drinking water, as usual.


Chris spent most of the day wandering around the mountains and meeting up with the YHA India group that was camped below. I mostly just chilled by myself and enjoyed some alone time and some quiet reading. I sorely needed it after the past two days of exertion.

