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I sold the bike two days after I placed the ad, for about a hundred dollars less than what I had paid for it. A nice, middle-aged couple bought it and they didn’t try bargaining the price down much. Indeed I knew I had sold it when he came to check it out on Sunday evening and I saw the glow and longing on his face – the same I’d had when I first went down to Seattle to buy it one rainy fall evening two years ago. Funny things motorcycles…

I took some pictures of it in the last hour I had with it before they came to pick it up.

This will always be my favorite picture of the Virago. It was taken in Fort Warden at Port Townsend.:

This is about the only semi-decent shot I have of myself on my bike. It was taken near Kalaloch Lodge on the last leg of my journey around the Olympic Peninsula.

She was very good even on the twisties.

In the Olympic rainforest…

I’ve ridden her in most every possible weather WA state has to offer.

And finally, pictures from today:

All trussed up. :(

Tell me that isn’t the saddest thing you’ve seen all day.

It’s strange to think that I’ll never ride her again.